Fully Funded Scholarships For International Students In Canada 2024 – 2025

If you have been dreaming of studying in Canada but cannot afford it, fully funded scholarships could provide the solution. They cover tuition fees, living costs, and travel costs – helping make studying in Canada possible!

Not only can scholarships offer financial advantages, they also present an amazing opportunity to experience different cultures and meet new people – plus many give valuable work or leadership experience!

Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships program recognizes world-class doctoral studies at Canadian universities by awarding three annual $50,000 scholarships valued at $50,000 for three years to outstanding candidates pursuing doctoral studies there. Selection is based on academic excellence, research potential and leadership potential (both demonstrated and potential). Students are nominated by their host Canadian university to participate.

Students apply to this competition by submitting applications through their nominating institution’s ResearchNet portal by their internal deadline (which varies). Nominating institutions then conduct an internal candidate-selection process before sending recommended nominees directly to three federal research granting agencies (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council) by November 1, 2023.

Vanier candidates must follow both their nominating institution’s rules and the Vanier website in order to nominate and apply for this competition, including filling out ResearchNet applications and uploading transcripts.

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships

The Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship program provides international students with a fully funded scholarship designed to retain and develop leadership capabilities among postdoctoral researchers worldwide. It’s also an ideal chance to network with fellow scholars from around the globe while creating lifelong friendships; not to mention recognition and prestige that could open up future career opportunities.

Application processes are highly competitive, and candidates must prepare their applications carefully in order to be considered for admission. They must identify suitable referees, demonstrate academic qualifications and create a research proposal. Furthermore, applicants must secure endorsement from their proposed host institution as well as provide a support plan with detailed support plans; in addition all applicants must submit an Equity Diversity Inclusion (EDI) Statement.

Eligible institutions include Canadian and foreign universities, affiliated research hospitals, colleges, and not-for-profit organizations with an established research mandate and capacity. Host institutions must fulfill fellowship requirements by covering mandatory deductions and Health Spending Account expenses as well as offering the required training and work-life balance provisions.

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Canada Graduate Scholarships CGS

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (Vanier CGS) program helps Canadian institutions attract top doctoral students by providing financial support that allows them to focus solely on research. It recognizes outstanding researchers across disciplines who have shown exceptional accomplishment and leadership potential.

Vanier CGS is run at the national level by CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC, but there are also provincial- and territorial-based initiatives providing additional awards and funding for qualified candidates.

For you to qualify for a Vanier CGS award, your nomination must come from an institution with an institutional quota for hosting Vanier scholars in Canada. Your faculty graduate dean or the director of your research program must submit a nomination form by the deadline date on your behalf.

To determine whether your university has an institutional quota, please review the list of participating universities. If your institution isn’t on this list, complete and upload to your CGS application on Research Portal a completed Self-Declaration of No Institutional Quota form.

Trudeau Foundation Scholarships

The Foundation seeks out people with exceptional abilities to conduct cutting-edge research that contributes to solving real world problems. Their goal is to foster scholars into outstanding leaders who understand the impact of their research and can integrate it into everyday life. Their Scholarship provides comprehensive financial support – such as stipends and allowances for research expenses – as well as leadership training sessions as well as access to a network of mentors and fellow scholars.

Applying doctoral students must already be accepted or in years one through three of a full-time PhD program that focuses on one of four themes associated with the Foundation: Human Rights and Dignity; Responsible Citizenship; Canada in the World; or People and Their Natural Environment. Each year a small selection of Scholars is selected.

The Trudeau Foundation Scholarship selection process involves an intensive assessment of applicants’ academic excellence, leadership potential, and research proposals. Outstanding candidates are invited to take part in national interviews with a panel of selectors. This scholarship helps transform researchers into engaged leaders aware of how their research affects communities while remaining open to novel forms of knowledge.

University of Toronto Lester B. Pearson

This fully funded scholarship at one of the best universities worldwide covers tuition, books, incidental fees, and residence support for four years. Each year approximately 37 students from around the globe compete to win it; it is one of U of T’s most competitive scholarships named after Lester B. Pearson who won a Nobel Peace Prize.

Key criteria for this scholarship include not only your academic performance but also its impact on your school and community, leadership abilities and future potential – which you can showcase through extra-curricular activities or experiences.

Interested applicants should speak to their school counselor or headmaster regarding being nominated. Once nominated, your school will send you a personalized and secure link for applying. Before doing so, however, make sure that you submit an admissions application for undergraduate studies at UToronto as the Pearson Scholarship will only consider your first choice program at this university.

York University Global Leader of Tomorrow

York University in Toronto, Canada provides international students with several scholarship awards that can assist with pursuing an undergraduate degree. These scholarships are granted on merit and need, with full tuition covered. Prior to applying to York, applicants must first be nominated by their school guidance counsellor or principal; then when submitting their application they will need to include this person’s name, position, e-mail address, phone number and more in their application.

York offers entrance scholarships for IB graduates as evidence of its commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment, totalling up to $140,000 over four years if the student maintains good academic standing. These awards can be renewed if students remain academically excellent.

Students accepted into a Bachelor’s program at a university must first apply for this scholarship award. Once accepted, they should fill out and submit the York International Student Scholarship & Award Application along with prequalification degrees, copies of transcripts and awards, statements from teachers or advisors and copies of their passport. It is best for applicants to submit early applications so they may secure one before its deadline has passed.

McGill University MasterCard Foundation

McGill University and the Mastercard Foundation have come together to establish the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program on both of its campuses – Montreal and Paris. This scholarship allows academically talented yet economically challenged young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa accessing world-class university education as well as cultivating skills necessary for entrepreneurship and change-making.

The Scholarship offers academic, financial, holistic and transition support for Scholars. This includes tuition fees, accommodation fees, books and materials needed for school study and flight tickets back home from Scholars’ host countries. Furthermore, two internships provide valuable professional development experiences as a pathway into socially relevant employment; mentorship/leadership development opportunities exist as well as community service engagement activities to give back in home countries.

Applicants must first gain admission into one of McGill University’s eligible Master’s programs before applying for this Scholarship through their uApply application. Applicants will then need to upload the Mastercard Foundation Scholars Scholarship Application Form, sponsorship letter and bank statement into their checklist in uApply – shortlisted candidates will then be invited for a virtual interview between representatives from McGill and MasterCard Foundation.


University of Waterloo Excellence Scholarship

Waterloo offers entrance scholarships to students admitted into undergraduate, research-based Masters and PhD programs at any academic level, which may reach up to $10,000 per term. Once their admission average has been verified they can find more details in their Quest account about any available scholarships.

This scholarship is tailored to Engineering undergraduate studies at Waterloo. It recognizes exceptional students with full tuition fee waiver, accommodation charges coverage and textbook coverage – provided they meet certain admission average requirements. To be eligible, admission average must be very high to receive this scholarship award.

University of Montreal International Undergraduate Award

Are you an international student hoping to study at one of Canada’s premier universities without incurring tuition fees? This scholarship program may be just the right place for you!

This scholarship program at the University of Montreal grants tuition fee exemption for undergraduate, masters, and PhD studies at all three levels – undergraduate, masters, and PhD – regardless of national origin or academic performance. Students worldwide are eligible to apply, though academic performance must also be exceptional with evidence of innovative thinking and leadership capabilities being an essential consideration in selecting candidates for these scholarships.

8 Fully Funded Scholarships For International Students In Canada 2024

Fully Funded Scholarships offer an ideal way of paying for higher education. Available through universities, governments, and private organizations – they’re an effective solution that may save both time and money!

Canada is an ideal study abroad destination for international students. Boasting top-ranked universities and an inclusive community that values diversity, Canada boasts an exceptional job market as well as welcoming immigration policies that make studying here both affordable and gratifying.

1. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship program provides full fellowships to support research addressing pressing global issues.

The Vanier CGS Scholarship Competition opens mid-June and applicants should visit its website for application/nomination instructions, including how to complete a CCV, Vanier Online Application Forms and Submit Assessment Reports Through Research Net. This website also contains detailed application/nominaton instructions.

Lester B. Pearson Scholarship

Students looking to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree at one of the world’s premier universities should apply for this scholarship; it covers living costs and tuition fees.

Application process for this scholarship is unique in that your school must nominate you on certain factors; then the scholarship committee will review each candidate and select who should become Lester B Pearson Scholar.

Special emphasis is given to each student’s impact in school and community settings, and future impact in global communities.

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